Monday, May 12, 2014

Booking terms

General Inclusions

All cruises include group shore-excursions, entrance fees, transportation, tour guide services (English speaking), taxes, fuel, river pilots, port dues, transfers in from/to the meeting point to/from embarkation/disembarkation point or vice versa. Food and beverages includes full board. Mineral water, coffee/tea (from jug) is included all day. Fresh fruit juices are included in addition during breakfast and afternoon tea.

Crew gratuities (US$ 4- US$ 5 per passenger/day are recommended) and fuel surcharges if any (see terms and conditions), Credit card fees (3%), banking fees

1. Terms and Conditions (Booking/Reservation/Payment Policy)
If a booking is made more than 90 days of departure date, a 30% non-refundable deposit must be made within 10 days after receiving confirmation. Full fare payment must be made at least 61 days before departure.

If a booking is made less than 90 days but more than 30 days of departure date, a 50% non-refundable deposit must be made within 10 days after receiving confirmation. Full fare payment must be made at least 31 days before departure.

If a booking is made less than 30 days of departure date, full fare payment must be made within 48 hours after receiving confirmation.

2. Cancellation Policy
Confirmed bookings must be cancelled in writing (email) only and this will only be effective once the written cancellation is confirmed by The Red Dragon Cruise.
Booking amendments must be submit in writing and will only be effective once confirmed by The Red Dragon Cruise.
For cancellations of bookings, the following charges apply.

  • Before 61 days 50%
  • 30 to 60 days 75%
  • Less than 30 days 100%

If deposit and final payment are not made based to the due dates mentioned in the confirmation or upon our payment reminders The Red Dragon Cruise reserves the right to release the booking without any claims for compensation

Terms and Conditions
a. Alteration of schedule and cruise itinerary
Though every effort will be made to ensure that the published itinerary is followed as closely as possible, given uncertain river and other local conditions, all schedules and itineraries maybe subject to alterations and delays at short notice.

b. Change point of embarkation and disembarkation
Should it prove difficult to embark or disembark passengers at the scheduled points, The Red Dragon Cruise is not liable to bear any extra cost of transporting passengers to and from the revised point of joining the cruise or disembarking unless passengers or their agents have purchased a complete package tour which includes land services from us. Any reason for changing the points of embarkation or disembarkation cannot count as a reason for cancelling this contract.

c. Passengers insurance
Passengers must be fully insured to cover any risk of medical expenses and repatriation (which includes remains) and The Red Dragon Cruise is in no way responsible for such liabilities. Medical bills incurred whilst on a The Red Dragon Cruise ship for doctor's attendance, drugs supplied, and any other medical facilities provided by The Red Dragon Cruise for the passenger.

d. Loss or damage
The Red Dragon Cruise accepts no liability for the loss or damage to passenger's property whilst on board the vessel.

e. Fuel surcharge
Within the ticket price fuel costs have been calculated on average prices as of the publication of this document. Should fuel prices rise by more than 10% the company will be entitled to impose a fuel supplement equivalent to the amount by which the fuel price exceeds the price allowed for in the contract.

f. Children policy
Infants below the age of 5 years may sleep in their parent's cabin without extra charge but the company cannot guarantee the availability of a cot. Children above 5 years must solely occupy a bed.

g. Cancellation by us
In the event that we are unable to provide cruise services to passengers with confirmed bookings or departures where occupancy is less than 5 cabins, The Red Dragon Cruise reserves the rights to cancel the journey giving all passengers with confirmed bookings 30 days prior notice of this intention. An alternative cruise vessel (similar itinerary and ship category) or an alternative departure date will be offered subject to availability. Any surcharges or difference in cruise prices will be born or reimbursed by The Red Dragon Cruise. If this alternative date or the alternative vessel is not acceptable to the passenger any down payments made for the cancelled cruise will be refunded. In the event that a passenger has cancelled and paid cancellation fees and The Red Dragon Cruise subsequently cancels that departure then any cancellation fees (and down payment) will be refunded in full on the request of the passenger.

h. Change of cabin category
The Red Dragon Cruise reserves the right to change a cabin billed with 60 days notice and in the event that a passenger is downgraded to a cheaper cabin then the difference in cost between the cabins will be refunded to the passenger or the passenger's agents.

i. Insurance coverage
The Red Dragon Cruise has arranged Public and Products Liability Insurance through renowned insurers that cover all cruise related activities following international standards of quality in terms of scope of cover and limit of indemnity. A summary of insurance cover in place is available upon request.

j. Our responsibilities

Apart from the accommodation and services directly operated by The Red Dragon Cruise, the Cruise Company does not own or operate all of the transport or other facilities used in connection with its cruise program. The Red Dragon Cruise therefore cannot accept liability for negligence of the staff of these organizations. The Red Dragon Cruise make arrangement with hotel partners, transportation companies, local boats, restaurants and other independent parties to provide you with the travel arrangements you purchase. These parties are independent suppliers over whom The Red Dragon Cruise have no direct control. The Red Dragon Cruise are not liable in the event of any failure by any person or The Red Dragon Cruise to render any transportation, accommodation or other travel service to be provided on the journey, or for expenses incurred due to delays caused by the weather, strikes, war, civil disturbances, natural disasters, flight delays, government actions, mechanical failures or any act of God. The Red Dragon Cruise cannot assume any responsibility for flight delays, cancellations or missed connections and are not liable for any expenses or consequences resulting there from, and such expenses shall be borne by the client. The participant waives any claim against The Red Dragon Cruise for any damage to, or loss of, property, or injury or death, due to any act, or negligence of any airlines, surface transportation companies, hotels’ partners or any person rendering any of the services or accommodation included. In case of death or injury, loss or damage to property on board a means of transportation not owned and managed by The Red Dragon Cruise, the passenger accepts to waive any right of action against The Red Dragon Cruise since any claim shall be solely pursued against the owner of the vehicle, according to the law of the country in which these services are rendered. The Red Dragon Cruise cannot be held responsible for any claim, losses, damages for delay of baggage or other properties, inconvenience, loss of enjoyment, upset and disappointment, distress or frustrations, whether physical or mental, resulting from any act or omission of any independent party providing services. The Red Dragon Cruise shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that organizations providing services maintain standards which are acceptable within the norm in each locality.

k. Baggage, valuables and other possessions

All Baggage must be securely packed and distinctly labeled with Passenger’s full name, the name of the Vessel, and the cabin number of Passenger and the sailing date of the Vessel. Under no circumstances, may dangerous articles such as firearms, explosives, oxygen or combustible substances, alcohol, drugs, illegal substances, or dangerous goods be taken aboard the Vessel. Any such item shall be surrendered to the Captain of the Vessel at embarkation, and may be disposed of in the sole discretion of the Captain. Hand or unlocked luggage, breakables and valuables, including but not limited to jewelry, money, precious stones, securities, financial instruments and/or tickets, must be hand-carried by Passengers on and off the Vessel. Company shall not be responsible for loss or damage to such items.

l. Liability limitations for loss of and/or damage to property

The total value of the Baggage, valuables and other personal belongings of a Passenger aboard the Vessel who does not deposit valuables for safekeeping, as described in this Contract, shall be deemed not to exceed the amount of US$500 per Passenger and The Red Dragon Cruise’s liability, if any, for loss of or damage to such belongings is limited to a maximum of US$500 per Passenger. The Red Dragon Cruise provides safekeeping for valuables aboard the Vessel and encourages Passengers to deposit any jewelry or other valuables brought aboard the Vessel with the designated officer who will issue a receipt for such valuables. The Red Dragon Cruise shall not be liable for any loss of or damage to money, jewelry, precious stones, securities, financial instruments, tickets or other valuables unless they have been delivered to the Ship Manager and a receipt issued. The value of articles delivered for safekeeping shall be deemed not to exceed US$500 unless The Red Dragon Cruise agrees in writing to a higher value for the articles at the time of delivery to the Ship Manager. Unless specifically provided elsewhere in this Contract, The Red Dragon Cruise shall have no liability for loss or damage to Baggage or personal effects. Personal belongings lost while unattended in public lounges or other public areas, whether on board the Vessel or elsewhere, are not reimbursable. Losses due to ordinary wear and tear, perils of the river, and other acts-of-God are not reimbursable. Settlements of reimbursable claims for lost belongings will be made on the basis of actual cash value (replacement cost less depreciation). Settlements of reimbursable claims for damaged items will be on the basis of cost of repair or actual cash value, whichever is less. No amount shall be paid in settlement of any claim without proof of the actual cash value or repair cost as appropriate arising from the loss or damage. Such proof must be sent to The Red Dragon Cruise. The Red Dragon Cruise liability must be proven before any settlement will be paid.

m. Itinerary / right to change / detention

The Red Dragon Cruise will make every reasonable effort to undertake the advertised and any other agreed and offered sailings but no sailings are guaranteed and sailings may be altered, delayed, amended, or cancelled subject to circumstances. If the performance of the proposed voyage is hindered or prevented (or in the opinion of The Red Dragon Cruise is likely to be hindered or prevented) by high or low water levels, docking difficulties, weather condition, breakdown of the Vessel, congestion, lock operational malfunction, or any other cause whatsoever or if The Red Dragon Cruise considers that for any reason whatsoever, proceeding to, attempting to enter, or entering or remaining at the place of disembarkation may expose the Vessel to risk of loss or damage or to be likely to delay her, Passenger and his property may be landed at any place which The Red Dragon Cruise or the Captain of the Vessel in his or her discretion may reasonably decide upon, at which place the responsibility of The Red Dragon Cruise shall cease and this contract shall be deemed to have been fully performed, or if Passenger has not embarked, The Red Dragon Cruise may cancel the proposed voyage and shall refund Passenger money or fares paid in advance. The Red Dragon Cruise reserves the right at its sole option and discretion, without any liability for damages or refund, of any kind to deviate from the Vessel’s advertised or ordinary itinerary or route, to delay, advance or lengthen any sailing, to omit or change ports of call, to arrange for substantially equivalent transportation by another vessel and/or by other means of transportation, including without limitation by coach or other land transportation alternatives, whether belonging to The Red Dragon Cruise or not, and to cause Passenger to disembark from the Vessel temporarily or permanently. The Red Dragon Cruise may for any reason whatsoever cancel any sailing or terminate the Contract at any time before departure of the Vessel, and in such event, The Red Dragon Cruise’s only liability will be to refund to Passenger the amount it has received for the Contract. For purposes of assisting other vessels or protecting life or property, the Captain of the Vessel has the right, at his or her sole discretion, to deviate from the Vessel’s advertised or ordinary itinerary or route, to delay, advance or cancel any sailing, to omit or change any ports of call, to tow or to be towed, to transfer Passenger and Passenger’s baggage to any other vessel and or other means of transportation whether belonging to The Red Dragon Cruise or not, cause Passenger to disembark the Vessel temporarily or permanently, and Passenger shall have no claims against The Red Dragon Cruise in such circumstances.

n. Health and security/indemnification by passenger
Access to the ship at certain river stations can be difficult, with steep and sometimes slippery river banks. Passenger represents and warrants that Passenger is physically and otherwise fit to travel; that s/he will at all times comply with Vessel’s rules and regulations and orders and directions of the Vessel’s officers and staff; that his/her conduct will not impair the safety of the Vessel or inconvenience other passengers. The Red Dragon Cruise and the Captain of the Vessel, without liability, at any time, may refuse to transport or may land any Passenger at any port or place, or transfer Passenger to other means of transportation, because of health or physical condition, mental disorder, failure to abide by Vessel regulations or other causes rendering Passenger unfit to travel on the Vessel. If Passenger is refused passage or leaves the Vessel prior to the end of the cruise for any of the reasons described in this section or for other reasons including, but not limited to, personal, medical, or business reasons, The Red Dragon Cruise will not be required to refund any portion of the Contract price, or be responsible for any of Passenger’s cost. Passenger hereby consents to a reasonable search being made of Passenger’s person, baggage or other property, and to the removal and confiscation or destruction of any object which may, in the opinion of The Red Dragon Cruise, impair the safety of the Vessel or inconvenience other Passengers. Passenger shall indemnify The Red Dragon Cruise for all penalties, fines, charges, losses or expenses incurred or imposed upon The Red Dragon Cruise or the Vessel by virtue of any act or violation of law by Passenger

o. Passenger restrictions
Catching shrimp in Yen Duc Village, more at

The Red Dragon Cruise does not discriminate against persons on the basis of disability. The Red Dragon Cruise is unable to accommodate women past their sixth month of pregnancy and children less than six months of age. The Red Dragon Cruise may limit the number of Passengers less than three years of age aboard the Vessel.
Passenger is required to advise The Red Dragon Cruise in writing, at or prior to the time a cruise is booked, of any physical, emotional or mental condition which may require professional attention during the cruise. The Vessel is not able to accommodate wheelchairs. Passengers with mobility impairments must be accompanied by someone who is able to assist Passenger, on shore and on board the Vessel, and is responsible for providing Passenger all necessary aid and facilities. If any such condition arises after the cruise is booked, Passenger is required to advise The Red Dragon Cruise in writing immediately. The Red Dragon Cruise and all personnel aboard the Vessel shall have no liability to Passenger relating to such condition or its treatment.

p. No liability for medical treatment
No staff doctors or nurses are employed by The Red Dragon Cruise on the Vessel. If Passenger requires medical attention during the trip, medical services will be provided at local facilities. Passenger shall be responsible for all costs and expenses of medical services, treatment and medications. The Red Dragon Cruise shall have no liability whatsoever for any costs incurred in connection with medical services, or for the quality of care Passenger receives. Passenger consents to treatment by medical professionals designated by The Red Dragon Cruise, if Passenger is unable to request or authorize medical treatment and, in the opinion of the Ship Manager, medical attention is necessary, solely at the expense of Passenger and without liability to The Red Dragon Cruise.

q. Liability limitation for loss of life or bodily injury

If Passenger is injured, becomes ill, or dies, or Passenger’s property is lost or damaged, or Passenger and/or his/her property is delayed, The Red Dragon Cruise will not be liable to Passenger for any damages unless the occurrence was due to the negligence of The Red Dragon Cruise or willful fault. The Red Dragon Cruise disclaims liability to Passenger under any circumstances for infliction of emotional distress, mental suffering or psychological injury which was not: (i) the result of physical injury to Passenger caused by the negligence or fault of a crewmember or the manager, agent, master, owner or operator of the Vessel; (ii) the result of Passenger having been at actual risk of physical injury, and such risk was caused by the negligence or fault of a crewmember or the manager, agent, master, owner or operator of the Vessel; or (iii) intentionally inflicted by a crewmember or the manager, agent, master, owner or operator of the Vessel. In no event will The Red Dragon Cruise be liable to Passenger for consequential, incidental, exemplary or punitive damages. In addition to all of the restrictions and exemptions from liability provided in this Contract, the liability of The Red Dragon Cruise for the death of or personal injury (including emotional distress or injury) to a Passenger shall in no event exceed the monetary limitations set forth in Article 7 of the Athens Convention. Nothing in this Contract is intended nor shall operate to limit or deprive The Red Dragon Cruise of any such statutory limitation of or exoneration from liability, or of the benefits of any statute or law of any country which might be applicable providing for exoneration from or limitation of liability including but not limited to the 1976 Convention.

r. Force majeure
The Red Dragon Cruise shall not be liable in any way to Passenger for death, bodily injury, illness, damage, delay or other loss or detriment to person or property or for The Red Dragon Cruise’s failure to commence, perform and/or complete any duty owed to Passenger if such death, delay, bodily injury (including emotional distress or injury), illness, damage or other loss or detriment to person or property is caused by Act-of-God, war or war-like operations, terrorist activities, civil commotions, labor difficulties, whether or not The Red Dragon Cruise is a party thereto, interference by authorities, requisitioning of the Vessel, political disturbance, inability to secure or failure of supplies, perils of the sea, collision, foundering of the Vessel, explosion, breakdown or failure of or damage to the Vessel or its hull, machineries or fittings, weather conditions, high or low water levels, lock malfunction, that may arise or be caused by, riots, insurrection and government restraint, fire, or any other cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of The Red Dragon Cruise.

s. Governing law and jurisdiction
The law governing the contract is the law of Vietnam. Any dispute, controversy or claim relating to the contract shall be resolved by one or more arbitrators appointed in accordance with the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Vietnam International Arbitration of the Chamber of Commerce. The Arbitration shall take place in Hanoi, Vietnam, and shall be held in English.

The official terms are on our Red Dragon Website

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